-Millions of health professions students and healthcare providers use social networking sites for personal and professional reasons.
-However, when used carelessly, this can degrade working and learning environments, harm reputations, and negatively...
-Online education, the acquisition of knowledge and skills through a mediated web-based infrastructure, is one of the leading learning pedagogies used to diffuse health professions education.
-Students get the greatest benefit from online courses...
According to the most recent study integrating literature on cybercivility in health professional education, strong evidence exists that health professional students may share uncivil content in cyberspace. Compounding this issue, the consensus is that...
School of Medicine, Duke University Health System, Medical Center Library & Archives, Doctor of Physical Therapy Program, School of Nursing, and Physician Assistant Program
What is the current status of health professions students’ knowledge, skills, attitudes, and experience regarding the basic concepts of cyberincivility and how they perceive facets of cybercivility as they learn to develop interprofessional...