The Interprofessional Educationan Profressional Collaborative (IPEC) has established four core competencies for interprofessional education: 1. Values/Ethics for Interprofessional Practice, 2, Roles/Responsibilities, 3. Interprofessinal Communication,...
The current climate for IPE, despite numerous efforts and best intentions, is poorly defined, inconsistent, fragmented, and non-standardized. Implementing interprofessional collaboration using a simulation-based IPE curriculum historically comes with a...
PROBLEM: Medical schools face the challenge of developing efficacious resources to promote well-being and foster resilience in students. The authors developed, implemented, and evaluated a shame resilience seminar for second-year clerkship medical...
How do we measure the impact of Interprofessional Education for collaborative practice (IPECP) training on competency attainment of IPEC competencies related to values, attitudes, perceptions and knowledge acquisition using observable behaviors across...
Can an asynchronous virtual telehealth curriculum be successfully integrated into
existing interprofessional health education curricula resulting in increased student self-reported understanding of telehealth principles and confidence in engaging in...
Can educational and operational initiatives spearheaded by an interprofessional
emergency response training team (ERTT) improve care for critically ill patients, foster communication, build resilience and provide consistent education with real time...
Does focused engagement, reflection, and self-learning increase allyship capacity for faculty and staff to advance racial equity? What is the impact of engaged allyship on racial equity in organizational culture? How does increased allyship engagement...
Primary: What are the shared and unique virtues and character strengths vital for patient care in the fields of Surgery, Nursing, Medicine, and allied health professions. Secondary: What are the shared and unique virtues and character strengths vital...
How can Duke AHEAD advance peer-reviewed publication of Duke AHEAD
scholarship on teaching and learning? For Duke AHEAD members, can a program combining peer accountability, incentives, and professional editorial services increase the dissemination of...
OBJECTIVE: A clinically relevant approach to patient care grounded in neurobiological constructs and evidence based practice which emphasizes a relevant psychopharmacology is needed to optimally train psychiatry residents. METHODS: We implemented a...