Leading Change: Putting the Elephant in the Room

Event Description

Change is a constant in health care and academic medicine yet seems to present a challenge for so many of us. This session will explore the reasons why change is difficult and strategies you can use to manage change. Material will be appropriate for faculty at all ranks.

This special guest lecture will be presented by Stephen P. Bogdewic, PhD, Executive Vice Dean at Indiana University School of Medicine. In his role as the first Executive Vice Dean, Professor Bogdewic is responsible for school-wide strategic planning, departmental reviews, and strategic alignment with the health care system. Prior to serving as Vice Dean, he served for nine years as Executive Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Professional Development, where he directed academic affairs, faculty development, diversity affairs, and programs for the advancement of women.

All are welcome. Material will be geared toward School of Medicine faulty with some experience within the Duke system.

Event date
  • 2018-10-25
Mission Educational Competency Presenter Sponsor Room
  • Duke South Amphitheater (located next to the Duke South Cafeteria)
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