Teaching and Leading EBP: A Workshop for Educators and Champions of Evidence-Based Practice

Event Description

For 17 years, expert faculty from across the country have come to Duke to lead this highly interactive, interprofessional workshop to provide health professions’ educators tools for teaching EBP, including critical appraisal and the essential competency of identifying risk of bias in studies that should alert us to information that should not be clinically applied. Our interactive, small group learning environment and educator focus has been successful year after year in preparing educators to bring this curriculum home. Although we will not be able to conduct our 2021 workshop in-person due to COVID-19, we have adapted our curriculum for virtual delivery via Zoom and our faculty will continue to model and coach best practices for engaging and interactive EBP teaching online. The cost is $499.

Workshop Objectives:

  • Train leaders in the health professions to facilitate evidence-based clinical practice in their teaching and practice settings.
  • Practice the skills involved in evidence-based practice including clinical question formation and acquisition of biomedical evidence from the literature.
  • Review and develop critical appraisal skills and application of available evidence to patient care and health professions education.
  • Provide interactive experience with a variety of evidence-based resources guided by librarians with expertise in evidence-based practice.


COVID-19 has taught us many things, including that we cannot rest on a sea of misinformation. It is more important than ever to be and nurture critical thinkers in academic health professions fields. Our workshop mission is to support clinical leaders and educators seeking to enhance their evidence-based practice (EBP) skills through interactive large group lectures and by teaching to peers in small group sessions. During this immersive online workshop, we will take you out of your normal routine to meet virtually with peers, expert faculty, and EBP mentors in a supportive learning atmosphere that will promote mutual professional growth.

The workshop will better equip you to deal with the changing needs and realities of clinical practice and health professions education in EBP. These EBP skills are needed now, more than ever, as the public and healthcare professionals are desperate for information on COVID-19 transmission, prognostic factors, and therapeutic interventions. The push to fill the gap has led to a proliferation of inaccurate and misleading information. Scientific papers published in respected journals have been withdrawn due to concerns about the validity or rigor of the data. Furthermore, government agencies put in place to provide guidance, protections, checks and balances regarding health authorized therapies have made recommendations that were subsequently shown in well done trials to be ineffective and even harmful.

Event date
  • 2021-04-28
Mission Educational Competency Presenter Event Link Sponsor
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