Dental Hygiene and Audiology Student Didactic and Experiential Education Collaboration

Hearing loss and auditory symptoms such as tinnitus (a ringing or noise in the ear) affect people of all ages. Approximately 2-3 per 1000 children are born in the U.S. with a detectable degree of hearing loss. The prevalence increases with age, with almost half of adults 70 years and older experiencing some hearing loss. Patients with hearing impairment may have communication challenges. Ineffective or inadequate communication between patients and health care providers may result in a plethora of complications including misdiagnosis, lack of understanding of treatment needs, failure to receive accurate informed consent for care, and miscomprehension of treatment recommendations. Given the high prevalence of hearing loss, especially among older adults, it is important for oral health professionals to learn strategies to effectively communicate with patients with hearing impairment. In addition, dental professionals may be at risk of developing hearing loss or tinnitus due to noise exposure sustained during clinical practice.

  • 2018
Lead Author/Creator 贡献者 关键词 Item type Permanent Link: Educational Competency
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